Site 1 of sheet music for 'Maktub' by Fabian dos Rios, pianist, and composer

Piano Sheet Score for Maktub

“Has 'Maktub' crossed your ears before?”

As the final notes faded, I asked the audience this question.

A figure steps up, voice quivering. “Yes, sir.”
Trembling words swirled around us.

“My son,” he revealed, “is off to... you know, chasing waves and dreams.
A surf Bali.”
We all in the room somehow understood,
the son's journey won't be just mere world travel.

His next words, though, glowed with an unearthly light and power:

“Today, destiny whispers. I heard the word for the first time
just a few hours ago. ”

His eyes gleaming, “my son signed the club's papers today...
He named it Maktub.”